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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Mobile world

Daily cartoon for the Dutch news website, about a survey which concluded that about half of the world population owns a mobile telephone.

In the cartoon the African native irritatedly calls her husband to ask how much longer it will take him to bring back his prey, because her bouillon is already boiling.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Going on a holiday with his kids...

Some Seamour Sheep Stuff

Lately I've been quite busy with preparations for the imminent release of the Seamour Sheep and Marty Mole designer vinyl figures. Here's a selection of artwork for that purpose.

Illustration for a warning card that is shipped along with the Seamour toybox.

3D visualisation of a future special USB-powered lamp edition of Seamour Sheep.

Instructive illustration how to switch on the Seamour lamp.


Nice little job that came along: a 45 rpm record sleeve for Rotterdam's garage rockers the Quotes, with a bit of Doug Stanhope stand-up comedy on the flip side. Strange combo, indeed... These are the perks of being an illustrator as far as I'm concerned.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

De Beloning van de Koning

Ik durf me haast niet meer te vertonen hier na het lange stilzwijgen ... reden is een prachtige illustratieklus voor Comic House die me flink bezighoudt, en een maand of vijf gaat duren. En ik mag er natuurlijk niks van publiceren. Wat ik intussen WEL kan doen, is pronken met andermans veren! Hier een nieuw prentenboekje: De Beloning van de Koning. Het rijmverhaaltje is van mijn hand, maar de prachtige illustraties zijn van aanstormend talent Jelle Gijsberts! Voor wie meer wil weten, kijk even op de bijbehorende website

Monday, June 25, 2007

Be a customer!

Last week I did this coverillustration for a article about helpdesks and customers and how to improve their relation.
I felt the deep urge to draw an angry person. RAAAH!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Ironing Bored

Hi-heeled speed-queen Miss Pigeoncot's latest entry, the housewife with the ironing-board, somehow rang a bell.
Then it dawned on me. I once did a similar ironing scene for 'Mainline', a Dutch subsidized magazine (for some 20 years already) hopelessly dedicated to informing junkies of the hazards of their habit and supplying the dopies with all the news that's vital to their well-being, where to get the best tin-foil, etc.
I was asked to illustrate this gag-page ( haha!) written by a heroin-hooker from Amsterdam, calling her sisters to leave the potato-couch, wash rubbers, iron tin-foils, sharpen syringes, test new drugs on 'john's' and feed your (useless junkiepimp-)partner to your pets when all else fails... (Not hard to understand when you read the diary the poor girl keeps in the same magazine!)

Monday, June 18, 2007

Shield-shape #3

By now it will be obvious that I'm a sucker for the shield shape. Here is my third contribution in that shape: a CD inlay/cover for Relax, a Dutch hiphop(hippop?)-outfit. Done with coloured paper-cut-outs, a favourite technique of mine. You might call it 'Flintstone-photoshopping' with glue and scissors.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

house work

I am working almost as hard as Metin!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

sneeker junk takes catwalk course in fitness studio

Great article. Ellen says the catwalk course improved her mood. The article improved mine, I almost feel like taking a course myself. Although I'm pretty good at walking on high heels already, or at least I used to be. I hardly ever wear high heels anymore. Back in my art school days I used to buy wild second hand pairs. Stiletto's were obligatory around 1980. I spent my best high heels day ever shopping all day in Amsterdam, on speed. Swear to god, it was the only time in my whole life that I have ever taken speed. But speed and high heels go together very well, I can tell you that. Otherwise I am very clean, I haven't even had a drop of alcohol in weeks. Went to Betty's this week, ordered a soda water.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


An illustration I made for 11.11.11. A Belgian development project.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Herman Brood cd cover

CD cover design for a non-existing tribute to the non-conformist, drugs-loving Dutch singer and painter Herman Brood, who killed himself by jumping from a building. The title is a wink to the text "I'll grow up to be just like you" from the song I would stay by the Dutch band Krezip.

Part of my Série Noir.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Inez van Dullemen

Once again, a mysterious drawing. The eagle carries the author's mother, in a dream. But this scene is not mentioned in the review. I never see the article before it's printed, I basically do whatever I want. Which must puzzle the reader, sometimes. I would think.

Barber van de Pol

Once again, running behind the facts. I'll give you two portrayed authors at the same time. And not only running in illustration. Read my blog and you won't envy me, sigh.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

USB stick

Daily cartoon for the Dutch news website, about an album of the reggae artist Bob Marley that has been released on a USB stick.

More stuff at

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Bought a batch of scraperboard last year. I have recently re-discovered the medium. I find it especially useful for photographic effect like these. Nice to practice once in a while.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I did this one for non-subsidised underground youthcentre 'De Gonz" in Gouda, and it's supposed to become a giant wallpainting. I wish them all the luck and I hope it will be finished when I play there with Human Alert!

Forever young...

Monday, June 4, 2007

Carniv-ear-ous plant

The second virtual photograph from a planned series of wallpapers showing what happens when you don't keep an eye on your Seamour and Marty toy figures.

Click on the image for the full-size desktop wallpaper.

More Seamour Sheep and Marty Mole at and more about the Seamour and Marty designer vinyl figures at Crazy Label.
